Estancia São Carlos 1x

Estância São Carlos is a 1x Brazilian map released on the ingame modhub. A stated in the description it is a well present map with many custom building and multiple sell point for your crops and all production products it could also be good for a multiplayer as there is a second farm option on the map. Map is by DH Modding

Estância São Carlos is a Brazilian map based on the region of the municipality of Jataí, Goiás.

-Map with 26 medium and large sized fields, all with missions.

-The map have a machine store.

-City with production points such as bakery, carpentry, grape work, plus a market that accepts various products.

-Fuel station near the store.


-Grain in general, potatoes, beets and sugar cane can be sold in the 3 warehouses present on the map.

-The cooperative accepts various products, as well as being the point for animal traders.

-If you need limestone, bring a trailer of stones to sell to the limestone merchant

-Bales in general can be sold at the bale point next to warehouse 2.

-Sawmill for selling wood and plank production point.

-To sell milk, go to the dairy, in this area there is a production point for milk derivatives.

-The main farm has 2 sheds to store your machinery, plus a house for sleeping, pasture for sheep, chickens, a fuel tank and a water tower.

-The secondary farm features a large shed for machinery, plus the sleeping house, a pasture for cows, bunker for silage, and a water tower.

-All terrains on the map can be bought, already placed items can be sold for customization.

-There is no snow on the map, the winter in this region is only cold and dry.

Have fun!

Original links are on the map directory, otherwise you can pick it up in game in the modhub.

Also, take a look at Farmer Klein’s map review below.

After arriving at the shop in new farmer mode you will find your lizard pickup parked in the parking lot of the shop there is also a few placeables one of them being a placeable loading ramp that you will find and example of at the also all the building at both farms are included to be replaced as you desire.

Above you will find the New Farmer equipment displayed in it various locations, there are sleep and wardrobe triggers at both farms and at the second farm the cow pasture and other triggers are only visible if you own the land. The starter farm appears to have ample space for expansion. Below give a few arial views of what you can expect to see as you venture around the map

Now take a closer look at the second farm. Remember that the triggers for the cow pasture will become visible when you purchase the land

Wrapping our little tour with some of the custom building and the shop with various vehicles spawned in to show you where they will reset to and spawn to. Many of the buildings are custom so have a look around and enjoy.

Please remember if you download this map to rate it on modhub as it is a modhub map.


Three Falls - 1x


The Risoux Forest 1x